Version 8.5 > Cannot load new song using Clipboard


2/2/2019 12:58:00 AM

I encounter a problem with SongShow Plus version 8.5 Production Build 2018/10/23. This occurs in SSP on Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 PCs.

The details of the workstation I am working on at the moment are as follow:


License Information

State: Activated
Customer Account ID: xxxxx-xxxx
Machine Account ID: xxxxx-xxxxx
Subscription Expiration: 2019/11/30 (Current)
Base Feature Set: Basic
Machine Usage: Workstation

Features Enabled

HTML Slide Show Exporter
Mobile Control Support
Online Services
Slide Builder
XML Song Importer

When I try to load a new song, I prepare the relevant text in my text editor and copies it to the Windows clipboard.

This copied text can be pasted into other programs, e.g. MS Word, without any problem or strange characters.

Next, I go to the Songs tab in the Media Files panel and click on the down arrow next to the Create/Acquire From icon. A drop down menu appears and I click on Clipboard

Now an error message appears instead of the import window.

This method worked fine in SSP version (and earlier versions).

This error occurs on at least three different PCs that I checked, including our projection PC, all running the same version of SSP.

We run a Basic license with one projection PC and a number of workstations, used to prepare programs for the sermons on Sunday.

When loading a new song using the New Song option in the drop down menu, everything completes without problems, as long as I don't try to use the Import From button in the New Song window.

If I go to the Lyrics tab in the New Song window and copy and paste the words for each verse into the relevant verse field, everything runs fine. The drawback is that this method is slow.

Unfortunately, the forum does not allow me to upload images to demonstrate the screens I encounter during the process .

Matt Venter


2/4/2019 9:16:24 AM
If you are trying to import formatted text this may be the issue.

I recommend that you contact the support team so that they can replicate the issue with you and capture all relevant info for submission.


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