Version 9.2 > Short cut keys?


1/6/2023 6:41:23 PM

I don't see the standard short cut keys shown along with the operation (e.g., <ctrl>S for "save").

When I do <ctrl>S I can't see that anything happens. Along that line, there used to be, I believe,

a setting for automatic saving; 3, 5, 10 min, etc. I can't find that either. Nor can I find any mention

of short cut keys in  the manual. It's inconceivable that they're not available, but where is the description?

George Taylor
1/10/2023 5:48:13 PM

Hi Dick.

Looking for a little bit of clarification on this - are you referring to SongShow Plus or the Slide Builder?

FYI - There is (and has been for some time) an auto save option for programs in SongShow Plus in the Settings > Preferences > Program Panel options tab, but there is no timed element for that.

Shortcut or hotkeys in SongShow Plus are primarily for Keyboard control navigation.  

1/22/2023 12:28:18 PM

Thanks George; almost every other program I have uses <CTRL>S as the keyboard "save" -- that includes SSB, but not SSP! Saving after every change is far too often and remembering to

click file menu/save can be a problem - especially when the program crashes. I would like this universally-used keyboard shortcut  re-established in SSP.

George Taylor
1/26/2023 10:14:27 AM

Hi again Dick.

I went back through several versions to verify and I was not able to find any prior versions of SSP that CTRL - S is used to launch the Save dialog for the program.  There are the ALT keys that have existed for some time in SSP (ALT - F - S = Save) so you could use that if you like though this, CTRL - S, and clicking File > Save would take the same amount of effort and you still have to remember to do these operations.  If you want a "set it and forget it" option, the auto save is the way to go.

1/26/2023 2:33:27 PM

ALT-F-S will work and is only slightly more effort than CTRL-S - though not the standard. I thought sure

that I had used CTRL-S to save, but maybe I was just fooling myself! It wasn't very important in the past

because I almost never had the program stop responding. The automatic save seems to me to be overkill -

saving dozens or hundreds of times for mostly trivial changes!

Thanks for the response.

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