Tips & Tricks > Title Pages


12/3/2006 6:15:50 PM
How about adding the ability to place the song title, page number and all that on a single up front page at the beginning of a song, instead of the "over first verse only" option?

12/3/2006 7:46:50 PM
I agree! I've thought this option would be great, too.

~ Kirsten

12/3/2006 9:22:23 PM
I have been able to get the title, author, etc. on the first slide before the slides with words by the following method:

Choose a song from database.
Right click on that song, choose Clone and edit.
Left click on  + sign of cloned song, then right click from the Program window and choose edit.
Go to Lyric tab and choose a verse number that has no words (like vs. 8).  Space once or twice and save.
Then left click on song from Program window and choose edit verse sequence. 
Click on red arrow for #8 to move to left sequence window and then add your desired sequence after
that.  This should give you a title page with or without a background. 

I also use this for a blank w/background if a prayer or fellowship time or whatever breaks up the song.
I just put the verse 8 wherever this might occur.

I hope this helps.  Once you do this it is a quick and easy way to get a background slide without bringing in a slide show break.


12/3/2006 9:25:14 PM
I believe that is a wishlistitem. You can go there and vote for it.

12/4/2006 8:19:48 PM
We no longer show the copyright information before each song during praise and worship. We run a pre-service loop; created with SlideShow; that has annoucments and other items of interest. What I have done is added a slide or two to this loop that lists "Today's Songs". This shows the song title and all the copyright information along with our CCLI number. This is a little more time consuming upfront but it makes for a cleaner more seamless flow during worship and satisfies copyright issues.

12/5/2006 7:17:22 AM
That is a very interesting idea!!!

12/5/2006 7:25:15 AM
We use the option to only show the Title, etc, on the first page of a song, so that we get the information when we start a song, but it becomes uncluttered after that.

I do like the cleaner, less cluttered look. But some folks also like to know what they are singing when they are singing it.

But it is an interesting idea.

1/26/2007 10:15:26 AM
I'm not sure, but I believe the terms of the CCLI license are specific about displaying author/composer, copyright and permission with the song as it's displayed/used. At least that's what I was told by someone who researches these things.

The quote is:
"Church agrees that each reproduced version of a Song will contain the Song title, writer credit(s), and copyright notice..."

It sounds to me like you've separated the display of the song from the required information. I'm no lawyer, but it seems that this isn't following the CCLI agreement.

Consider this, a worship leader walks into your service late (after the loop has run), they see you're singing a song that they like, but there's no author, publisher or copyright info displayed. Of course that must mean that the song is public domain -- how else could you do that? So they go back to their church with the song in their head, and are able to get their music team to do it. Without knowing it they're violating a law, and you helped.

I'd suggest reconsidering this policy.

6/7/2009 10:30:27 AM
Is there a way to run annoucments (like the way you can in powerpoint where it will loop) in ssp7? If so please let me know.

Jim Bennett
Oakhurst Full Gospel Church

6/7/2009 12:25:38 PM
Posted By ofgc on 06/07/2009 10:30 AM
Is there a way to run annoucments (like the way you can in powerpoint where it will loop) in ssp7? If so please let me know.

Jim Bennett
Oakhurst Full Gospel Church

I use the built in Slide Show creater and create all my announcement slides with it.  It plays perfectly in SSP adn it loops.  You can even edit it on the fly.  What I mean is that if it is being displayed and you see an error, just right click on the announcement in the the play list and choose edit slideshow.  You can then make the corrections and save and it automatically updates the slideshow.  What can I say, I gots big fingers and make plenty of typo's.....

6/7/2009 12:51:33 PM

If the slide show isn't created to loop, you can change that. It is done with the "Edit slide show properties" button. In my setup, it is the icon with the brown/orange top and the green circled checkmark. On the Timing tab there is a "Loop slied show" check box. I also select "Automatically play slide show when it's presented" check box on almost all of my slide shows.

6/7/2009 1:22:17 PM
Yep. Slide show builder is the way to go. If your SSP subscription is current and you haven't chosen your on demand training, you can can call GoFishMedia and get one of the slide show builder training.

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