Tips & Tricks > Slide Show Crawler
Sometimes I'll want a crawler on the bottom. I'll use a full-screen-width shape with 7 gradient colors, and use a super wide text box with one long line of text in it, drag it off the screen on the left, and set the fly-from-right animation to 5 or 8 secs. It behaves as a poor-mans crawler.
Yesterday I ran into something strange - one of these crawlers tested fine on the old 500MHz small-memory workstation, but when played on the projection computer, the text didn't show at all.
After much consternation, it was fixed by reducing the number of text characters and shortening the text box (it was a much longer sentence than I've used in the past).
One question is why the number of characters (or width of the text box) matters, and another question is why the wider text box works on the old machine.
Anyway, it's nice to get a "crawler" function to work at all. The only thing that is a bit awkward is typing/editing the text, but it can be done.