Tips & Tricks > Song Properties


9/17/2008 12:20:48 PM
How about being able to Right click\Edit Song\Song Properties\Order view lyrics when moused over parts. Just like when you right click the song in the program list\ right click\verse order\item properties. Be able to edit stock hyms instead of constantly clone and renaming.

9/17/2008 3:23:55 PM

To be able to edit Stock Hymns songs freely with out having to clone all the time you need to do this:-

Goto "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\R-Technics\SongShow Plus\ModuleData\Additional Databases\Stock Hymns"

In this folder you will find a file named "Module.ini" - open this file and goto the line that says "ReadOnly=1" and change the "1" to a "0", save the change and close. Now when you start SSP you will find that all the Stock Hymns songs are fully editable.

Hope that helps.

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