Tips & Tricks > List of Short List songs
6/28/2009 1:21:14 PM
I am sure that this has been discussed on this forum before, but I cannot find it in the Search utility.
The MoM has a music planning program that she wants to use, but it doesn't have every song we use. She will have to pull down the songs that we use, but aren't with the regular package, so she needs to have a list of all of the songs we use on a regular basis.
Is there a way to create a list (printable or exportable) of the songs with the Short List tag?
6/29/2009 1:29:33 PM
Go to the songs panel and in the filter section click the check box for "short list".
Click on the All Songs selection to display all of the short list songs in the database.
Right click any of the songs and select "Print Song List" at the bottom.
This will open a dialog that will allow you to see the list and set print parameters.
You could also use the Copy to Clipboard (HTML) button in the lower left if you have a HTML editing tool (This will not paste to a text editor)
Hope this helps..
6/29/2009 6:30:23 PM
I actually thought about that yesterday afternoon, but forgot to try it last night. I did this on my home PC, and it pasted it into MS Word 2007. I hope it pastes into Word 2003.
6/30/2009 6:38:54 AM
I should paste into 2003 (I've done it). I don't think I was able to paste into Word 2000. I've never tried 2002.
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