Version 8.0 > New Tower for SSP 8
9/12/2014 11:07:39 AM
We are now needing a new computer for SSP 8. Our finances are limited, but we want to go as high in quality as we can for under $800 - $1,000--if possible. We only need the tower as our two monitors are fine. The following was suggested, but it doesn't have a separate video card. Do people on this site have any suggestions to add a card or another model? I find it hard to know what is most important--video card, processor, etc. as we invest our money into this.
Thanks for your help...
edit: I forgot to give the site of the tower model suggested.
9/27/2014 3:11:58 PM
it has a PCI Express x16 slot, so you can pick up an NVidia GeForce card to put in it.
10/4/2014 12:48:07 PM
Is there any potential for adding a third monitor in the future? Like a stage monitor?
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