Upcoming SongSelect website changes


A few weeks ago, CCLI made a change to its SongSelect website that caused a breaking incompatibility SSP's lyrics import utility. We announced the new problem when we discovered it and provided a temporary work-around. Last week, CCLI made another change which actually restored most of the compatibility with the import utility, something we also announced. While things are not presently 100% compatible at this time, the import utility is working again by using the Save download method and requiring only a minor edit to the copyright field.

We were contacted this week by CCLI which informed us that there will be continued changes to their web site over the next few weeks as part of a current upgrade process. It is possible that these changes will again create compatibility problems. Because of this, they have offered, and we have agreed to, a tentative and temporary arrangement that will involve some testing on their part for compatibility with SongShow Plus and some responsibility on our part to make necessary changes. 

Since the July 2008 Edition of SSP has just been released for public beta testing, our intent is to integrate any changes required for future compatibility with the SongSelect web site into the new edition of SSP. Updates to the import utility will be made available with beta or post production releases of this edition as appropriate. It's important to understand that CCLI's arrangement to work with us does not represent a guarantee on their part to ensure complete backward compatibility with earlier editions of SSP. We look forward to working with CCLI to ensure that the July 2008 Edition will be compatible with their updates and that SSP's import utility will continue to provide a helpful and convenient way to use the SongSelect web site.


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