Tips & Tricks > Using a Logitech Cordless Presenter with SSP


9/25/2005 12:13:15 AM
The Logitech 2.4GHz Cordless Presenter sends keystrokes PgUp & PgDown for prev/next page, and 'b' for blank screen, and F5/Esc for start/stop show - ie it's designed specifically for Powerpoint. To use it with SSP (5.5) I've used the AutoHotKey program from Then, I have a script as below --------- SetNumLockState, On $Esc:: $F5:: IfWinActive, SongShow Plus { Send, {NumPadMult} } else { Send, b } return $b:: IfWinActive, SongShow Plus { Send, {NumPadDiv} } else { Send, b } return $PgDn:: IfWinActive, SongShow Plus { Send, {+} } else { Send, {PgDn} } return $PgUp:: IfWinActive, SongShow Plus { Send, - } else { Send, {PgUp} } return -------------- This translates the Cordless Presenter keys into suitable SSP keys, but only when SSP is the active window. It seems to work great here. (I've used the start/stop show button to as a 'Clear Display' toggle, using NumPad * instead of start/stop show)

Heather E
11/28/2012 11:28:25 PM
Hi there

We have a Logitech remote that works fine with Powerpoint, but not with SSP.

I have successfully downloaded AutoHotKey program, and then tried the above, but have fairly basic script writing skills, and am getting " Line Text: On $Esc:: Error: Invalid hotkey."

Can anyone offer me any suggestions please? We are using SSP7, March 2010 Edition on Windows XP Professional.

Thanks heaps,


11/29/2012 11:24:23 AM
If you have an iPhone and a wireless network, the IOS remote works great!

We fooled around with a Cordless Presenter sometime ago and it just never worked very well for us. The range was limited and (I suspect) it interfered with the wireless microphones... the whole effort just became a distraction to the worship.

I used the IOS remote, during a service, for the first time this past Sunday and it worked great!
We had some missionaries visiting; the instructions for how to handle their PP presentation were getting pretty complex; I handed them my iphone, showed them how to advance and go backwards and let them have at it themselves.  It worked without even a hint of a hick-up!

If you don't already have an iPhone, this is a great excuse to upgrade!

11/29/2012 11:42:51 AM
FYI - we have Remote Control apps for Android devices as well...

11/29/2012 11:49:19 AM
Or pretty much anything with a browser...

Heather E
11/29/2012 1:48:56 PM
We are not having any trouble with the range - it works great with Powerpoint, and works with SSP, however the instructions it sends are being interpreted as "jump down the list of songs" instead of "next page of Slide Show". The easy option would be to run Slide Shows outside SSP, but I like the seamlessness and manageability of having everything in one place.

I would love to be able to justify an iPhone, however I have just bought an Android. The challenge with using either of these options is that we have a team of techs rather than just me, and there are just too many for this to be viable. Given someone was generous to buy the remote, I would like to get it up and running with SSP if I possibly can.



11/29/2012 2:40:08 PM
This is why I used AutoHotKey - to translate the Page Down into a + or -

Unfortunately I did that 7 years ago, and have now moved to a different church, so don't have access to the original script.

At that time, there was no Android/iPhone support (those phones didn't exist), or we'd have probably done it that way instead.

I did cut/paste the script into the forum, but it looks as if the formatting got messed up by the forum

I think it was probably meant to be like this (note that I can't test it, but it looks reasonable)
SetNumLockState, On 
IfWinActive, SongShow Plus

 Send, {NumPadMult} 
 Send, b 
IfWinActive, SongShow Plus
 Send, {NumPadDiv} 
 Send, b 

IfWinActive, SongShow Plus

 Send, {+}
 Send, {PgDn} 
IfWinActive, SongShow Plus

 Send, - 
 Send, {PgUp}

Heather E
11/29/2012 3:00:23 PM
Thanks heaps for posting that. Unfortunately I don't have the depth of knowledge about script to nut out the formatting, so your help is really appreciated. I will call in to Church on the way home tonight and give it a try.

Thanks again. H.

11/30/2012 10:10:55 AM
If you put SongShow Plus into Keybaord Navigation mode, it will work with the remote as you need it to. In that mode, page up and down work like the -/+ keys.

Heather E
12/1/2012 1:56:00 PM
Thanks for that. It gives me a darn good reason to take to the Deacons to upgrade from 2010.

12/3/2012 1:10:42 PM
Hi Heather,

I currently use AutoHot Key to do this, on a windows 7 machine. It works perfectly. The only thing you have to be careful about is that the songshow window MUST be kept in focus (that means on top / the last window used).
If you send me your email address I can send you my script file.
my email is av (@)
I don't like the keyboard nav mode because it elminates the ability for the tech to do anything with songshow while it is on.

12/3/2012 3:55:12 PM
If the tech as at SongShow, why does someone need to use the remote?

12/3/2012 8:48:23 PM
Hi Doug

My thoughts as well, however those guys up front do like the illusion they are in control sometimes! The tech controls the songs, the remote is just for slide shows (mainly preachers). Also, we have one or two younger guys on the roster, and they tend to get distracted easily and don't notice that they are meant to be progressing the slides. Ho Hum.

Rock Church Portland: I will email you. Thanks for the help! I would prefer to avoid keyboard nav mode for precisely that reason. I always train my team to keep stuff "on top". Good tip to remember!


12/4/2012 6:41:16 AM
Exactly. I've worked with many preachers/speakers/presenters that freak at the idea of not being in control of the presentation. We've trained our pastors to not worry about what's on the screen and just preach.

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